Johnny A.S.P Walsh
Johnny A.S.P. Walsh worked for Redifon/Rediffusion/ROCC Computers from 1978-1994 initially as a systems analyst in Software Engineering Operations then as an Account Manager in Field Marketing Operations and later as a Product Manager, Project Manager and Consultant . For the last 10 years he has been working at CIMTECH, an information consultancy at the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield, England, providing advice to users and suppliers about enterprise content management, imaging, character recognition, forms and invoice processing. ‘It is surprising how many of the lessons learned from data prep, Passthru and Viewdata days can still be relevant to modern projects.’
Michael Aldrich writes: Johnny Walsh was another Master Craftsman able to turn his hand effortlessly to both the technical and people sides of information technology, always full of ideas and energy and a delight to work with.